CSMS - Download and Install | ![]() print-friendly version |
by Ross D. Gardler
Downloading Released Versions
To run the CSMS software you need to have installed and correctly configured the following software:
- Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.4 or higher
You can download the latest CSMS released files from Sourceforge .
Installing the latest release
To install the application simply unpack the archive to your chosen directory.
Running the latest release
To run the application cd into the bin directory which is located
inside the directory you unzipped the archive to and run the command:
Downloading Source Code Versions
To build and run the CSMS software from source code you need to have installed and correctly configured the following software:
- Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.4 or higher
- A build tool. Here you have two options:
- Centipede gives access to all build tools including javadocs, cross-referenced java source code, unit testing, code style checks, metrics reporting and much more. This is the one you want if you intend to work on the source code. ( you need version 1.0beta3 or greater - note that at the time of writing 1.0beta3 has not yet been released, this means you need CVS head of Centipede)
- ANT build tool will provide minimal build facilities, just enough to get you going. We suport ANT because many prospective developers alerady have it installed and so our support of it makes it easy for you to experiment. However, for full development work we recomend you move to Centipede (which is built ontop of ANT and so you will bring all your existing knowledge with you).
You can get the latest cutting edge version from CVS . If you are going to work with this version we strongly advise that you join the developers mailing list to keep abreast of work on the codebase.
You can also download archives of the source code for each release from Sourceforge
Building from Source
We support two build systems, ANT and Centipede. Ant is well known and used by the majority of java projects (and many others). Centipede builds on top of Ant. The build facilities in our Ant build file are minimal, but they provide quick and easy access to the major requriements of compiling and running the application. For more build targets (including metrics, site generation, documentation, unit tests and much more you need to use Centipede).
There is an interactive build system within CSMS so to get started
simply run the command
from within the projects root directory
For full details of the facilities available in Centipede please consult the Centipede documentation.
A simple compile target has been provider for the convenience of ANT users.
Simply type the command ant
from within the projects root directory
Running a built system
There are many ways of running the application once built from CVS,
however, the easiest is to simply run the command
ant run
We use Ant here, as it is much faster than Centipede for such a simple task, however, you can
also use the command cent run is you so desire.