Scalable and Agile Architectures for EBusiness Community Sports Management System (CSMS)

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Checkstyle Analysis of org.fanfoot.prefs.PreferenceManager


Checkstyle Analysis

This page details coding standard errors found in the Java source code for this project. These are style errors and as such do not prevent the code from running, however, many people argue that well styled code is easily readable, and that easily readable code is easier to maintain.


Line Error
58 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
60 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
62 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
65 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
68 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
72 Line is longer than 80 characters.
72 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
74 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.
76 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.

Generated by Checkstyle and Ant .